Who’s ready for Spring? Go ahead and make plans to welcome the new season with some of these fun local events that are happening in March:
March 1, 2022

Downtown Hamilton: "DOWN HOME, DOWNTOWN"
Tuesday, March 1 @ 7:00 PM EST
Downtown Hamilton
221 High Street, Hamilton, OH 45011
FREE BLUEGRASS MUSIC! Miami’s Regionals Downtown Center and Appalachian Studies host this live, free bluegrass music event on the first Tuesday of every month!
For more information visit https://events.miamioh.edu/event/down_home_downtown_-_downtown_hamilton

March 1 – 31, 2022* *Winners announced April 14, 2022
Oxford Lane Library
441 S Locust Street, Oxford, OH 45056
Stop by the library during the month of March and go upstairs to paint an original 4x4 piece of art using their supplies. The entries will be displayed, and voting will take place in April with the winners announced on April 14th. Age Group: Adult. For more information. visit https://lanepl.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=25310&lib=2&backTo=Calendar&startDate=2022/03/01
March 2, 2022

March 2, 9, 16, 17 & 23 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EST
408 Main Street, Hamilton, OH 45013
From the beautiful rolling, green hills of Ireland come the fine Irish cheeses you will be using in this month’s Charcuterie class. If St. Patrick’s Day brings out the Irish in you, sharpen your board-building skills while learning charcuterie-style meat and cheese combinations inspired by Ireland’s best-loved fare. Price of admission is $65 and includes lesson, food, charcuterie board (to take home), and 10% off any purchase on the night of the event. Ticket sales end on the day prior to each class. For more information or to register online, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/o/we-love-it-too-39678205723
March 4, 2022

Friday, March 4 @ 7:00 PM EST
Dave Finkelman Auditorium
4200 N University Boulevard
Middleton, OH 45042
Join local music legends Joe Mullins and the Radio Ramblers as Miami University Regionals celebrates the launch of the Smithsonian Folkways, 2021 IBMA Album of the Year “Industrial Strength Bluegrass,” celebrating southwestern Ohio’s rich history of bluegrass music. This special two-hour program begins with a brief presentation on the Industrial Strength Bluegrass project and the story of southwestern Ohio bluegrass music, followed by live musical entertainment from Joe Mullins and the Radio Ramblers.
No cash sales at door. Those needing disability accommodations should contact the Box Office hotline. Adults $20, Seniors, Veterans, & Students $15. Tickets available at https://ev13.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventInfo?ticketCode=GS%3AMIAMIOH%3ASE21%3A0304ISB%3A&linkID=miamioh&shopperContext=&pc=&caller=&appCode=&groupCode=SE&cgc=&dataAccId=727&locale=en_US&siteId=ev_miamioh

Friday, March 4 @ 7:00 PM EST
Oxford Community Arts Center
10 South College Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056
This month, OCAC will be featuring the movie Pride & Prejudice (2005-PG), starring Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen. Admission is free; popcorn and water are available for sale before the performance. Movie run time is 2 hours, 9 minutes. For more information, contact Trisha Porter at (513) 524-8506 or visit https://oxarts.org/event/friday-night-lights-pride-prejudice/?instance_id=5699
March 5, 2022

Richmond Symphony Orchestra Presents: MEMORABLE MELODIES
March 5 @ 7:30 PM EST
Civic Hall Performing Arts Center
380 Hub Etchison Pkwy, Richmond, IN 47374
The RSO March program is tuneful and full of recognizable melodies. Offerings include Glinka’s Overture to Ruslan and Ludmilla and Bizet’s Suite No. 1 from Carmen – which contains some of his best-known melodies. Also on the program, the first RSO performance of Bruch’s Ave Maria, featuring cellist Mark Kosmala, Bilik’s American Civil War Fantasy – full of familiar American folk songs, Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain – heard in Disney’s Fantasia, and Brahms’ great Academic Festival Overture. Visit
https://richmondsymphony.org/event/memorable-melodies/ for details/tickets.

March 5, 6,12 & 13, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST
Hueston Woods State Park
6301 Park Office Road
College Corner, OH 45003
Two weekends! You’ll begin at the Beach, where you can enjoy fun activities such as archery, and join a hayride to take you around the festival. Next, you’ll experience a hike through the “Big Woods”, a designated State Nature Preserve, to learn the art of maple syrup production, as well as the cultural and natural history of the area! Finish the tour at the Sugar House where syrup will be cooking! Food, beverages, and maple syrup will be on sale throughout the day at the Beach and the Sugar House. The Lodge will be serving a pancake breakfast from 8 am-1 pm each day of the festival! Please, no dogs or other pets allowed on the tour. For more information, contact the Nature Center at (513) 524-4250 or visit https://ohiodnr.gov/home/news-and-events/all-events/parks-wc-events/SW-Ohio/maplesyrup-HuestonWoods-1

Saturday, March 5, 2022 @ 5:10 PM – 6:00 PM EST
Goggin Ice Center
610 S Oak St
Oxford, OH 45056
**Ages 4-9** This event is designed to provide kids ages 4 to 9 the opportunity to try hockey in a FUN, safe environment with trained coaching staff. No experience necessary! There will be plenty of assistance on hand to be sure your child has the best first hockey experience and answer any questions you might have. For more information, visit https://tryhockeyforfree.com/event_detail/841?fbclid=IwAR137ioZz2SiH2teukb0V_6ZahUz41EJM1rnrzdzsxEvEzptq3QnkfmWyhk or contact Ryan Gayso at 513-529-9809 or gaysor@miamioh.edu.
March 6, 2022

SEED TO TABLE: Part 1, Garden Series
Sunday, March 6, 2022 @ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST
Oxford Lane Library
441 S Locust Street, Oxford, OH 45056
Join us as we explore a variety of gardening topics. Learn how to start your garden from seeds. We will talk about seed starting schedules, materials you’ll need to get started, and how to care for your seedlings once they sprout. Begin your journey with a small tray of seeds that we will plant together before you leave. Check out our seed library for inspiration and exploration. Age Group: Adult.
For more information or to register for the free class, visit https://lanepl.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=25311&lib=0&backTo=Calendar&startDate=2022/03/19 or call (513) 523-7531.
March 12, 2022

Richmond Civic Theatre Presents:
Saturday, March 12th @ 9:30 AM. to 11:00 AM EST
First English Lutheran 2727 E Main St, Richmond, IN 47374
Come join a cast of favorite storybook and cartoon characters who will share their stories and songs. A light breakfast will be served, and kids will receive a custom coloring book, as well as a book from Every Child Can Read. Activities will include Character Photo Ops, Storytime with Mother Goose, and a Character Sing-Along session. Ticket prices are Adults-$10 and kids-$15; for tickets visit www.gorct.org or call 765-962-1816.
March 17, 2022

Thursday, March 17, 2022
Dublin Pub, 300 Wayne Ave, Dayton, OH 45410
It’s time again for the wearin’ o’ the green at Ohio’s largest St. Patrick’s Day celebration! Adding to the day’s festivities, dancers from The Celtic Academy of Irish Dance will be performing at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. For more information, visit https://www.dubpub.com/st.-patrick-s-day-1.html
March 18, 2022

Richmond Civic Theatre Presents:
March 18-20 & 25-27 (See link below for showtimes)
Richmond Civic Theatre
1003 East Main Street, Richmond, IN 47374
Watch as Charles Schulz’s characters come to life in RCT’s production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” This popular musical comedy features the “Peanuts” gang—Charlie, Lucy, Snoopy, Linus, Sally, and Schroeder—singing and analyzing their way through an assortment of “little-kid” ordeals. For information, showtimes, or to purchase tickets, visit http://www.gorct.org/main-stage/ or call 765-962-1816.

Magic Carpet Theatre Series: ZAK MORGAN FAMILY CONCERT
Friday, March 18 @ 7:00 PM EDT
Oxford Community Arts Center: Brant Ballroom
10 South College Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056
A concert that's fun for the whole family! Bring children of all ages to this witty, charming, and imaginative performance from Zak Morgan. This is the fourth show in OCAC’s 2021-22 Magic Carpet Theatre Series. Sponsored in part by the Miami Performing Arts Series. Admission: $10 Adults, $7 Child 12 and younger.
March 27, 2022

SPY PILOT: Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 Incident, and a Controversial Cold War Legacy
Sunday, March 27 @ 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
Oxford Lane Library
441 S Locust Street
Oxford, OH 45056
Attention Bridge of Spies fans! Francis Gary Powers, Jr., author of Spy Pilot and son of famed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers, will present the facts and dispel misinformation about the Cold War espionage program that turned his father into a Cold War icon. During this program, Gary will talk about his 30 years of research ranging from personal files, audiotapes, and letters, to the transcript of his father's debriefing by the CIA that had never been previously available. Book sale and signing to follow presentation; view event details at https://lanepl.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=25320&lib=ALL&backTo=Calendar&startDate=2022/03/01
610 S. Oak St., Oxford, OH 45056
Wonderful memories are waiting for you and your friends & family.
An afternoon or evening spent at the Goggin Ice Center will be the highlight of your day!
March 2022 Public Skating Schedule
Friday, March 4, 12:10pm - 1:10pm (Noon Skate)
Friday, March 4, 8:15pm - 9:15pm (Friday Night Skate)
Saturday, March 5, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday, March 6 - 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Friday, March 11 - 12:10pm to 1:10pm (Noon Skate)
Friday, March 11 - 8:15pm to 9:15pm (Friday Night Skate)
Sunday, March 13, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Friday, March 18 - 12:10pm to 1:10pm (Noon Skate)
Friday, March 18 - 8:15pm to 9:15pm (Friday Night Skate)
Saturday, March 19, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday, March 20, 3:00pm - 5:00pm Friday, March 25 - 12:10pm to 1:10pm (Noon Skate)